A mural across from the Tampa International Airport inspired by flight and Florida’s state bird✨  Read More!

GPS x Justice Studio


Justice Studio


An apparel collection and fundraising campaign in collaboration with Justice Studio, an art education program in juvenile detention centers in Pinellas County.


Art Direction, Apparel Design, Illustration, Content Marketing, Production


Justice Studio, NOMAD Studio

GPS x Justice Studio

Encouraging creative freedom

GPS joined forces with Justice Studio to develop and produce a line of apparel in order to raise funds for their art education program. In this collection, we center on the creative approach of sampling and remixing, celebrating the artists who have used this method to create groundbreaking works. Each design acts as a guide, tracing a path to historical figures, iconic hip-hop artists, and sources of inspiration for modern music. Our main objective was to promote artistic freedom by highlighting the importance of borrowing and remixing as valuable tools in the art-making process.

100% of profits from this campaign go to Justice Studio, the in-house art studio program led by NOMAD Studio at juvenile detention facilities in Pinellas County. The NOMAD team works weekly in a small group setting with youth currently detained and/or committed by the State of Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice. GPS proudly supports Justice Studio’s mission of providing materials and art education for young artists in the juvenile detention system.

Sample the past, remix the future.

“In order to be one of the greats, you’ve got to study the greats.” - Raekwon

With the collection, we not only decided to reference the Wu Tang Clan, Lee “Scratch” Perry, and Lil Nas X, but also to highlight the importance of literature and the value of entering into the many worlds provided by good books. We believe reading is one of many activities vital to the act of creation, the process of learning, and the expansion of one’s own mind and worldview, and express this through the designs present throughout the collection.

"It’s music that vibrate you and make you go higher, and make you think of the future and the past.” - Lee "Scratch" Perry
