A mural across from the Tampa International Airport inspired by flight and Florida’s state bird✨  Read More!



Real Estate


A real estate agent who cares about community and connection.


Visual Identity, Art Direction


Florida native, Jenny from the Heights, is a real estate agent that specializes in historic bungalows and mid-century modern homes throughout Tampa. To further distinguish herself in Tampa’s booming market, Jenny reached out to Greater Public Studio to establish an outstanding visual identity for her brand. 

Taking inspiration from the architecture of Tampa’s bungalows, we sought to create a visual identity on par with the craftsmanship found in the historic homes. Quality work and attention to detail are intrinsically woven into bungalow philosophy. We used those same ideas to create Jenny’s visual identity. Most noticeably, the J in her logo mark doubles as the bracket of an eave, commonly found in bungalow style homes. 
