Justice Studio is an in-house art studio program led by NOMAD Studio, operating within juvenile detention facilities in Pinellas County. The NOMAD team works closely with youth who are currently detained or committed by the state of Florida’s Department of Justice. They strongly believe that communities should have access to community-driven resources that expand opportunities for artistic and creative expression. By fostering these behaviors, they significantly contribute to the mental well-being of young individuals and help them develop healthier and more appreciative habits.
At Greater Public Studio, we firmly believe in the power of creative freedom and the boundless potential that lies within acts of self-expression. In collaboration with Justice Studio, we have curated a special collection of apparel aimed at nurturing creativity. The mission is to highlight the importance of reading and establish connections between contemporary art, music, and their historical roots. The design of this capsule collection serves as a guiding path, leading others to explore inspiring individuals and artistic techniques. Ultimately, the aim is to celebrate creative freedom and self-expression, encouraging individuals to embrace their unique perspectives, discover influential figures and artistic methods, and contribute to the ever-evolving world of creativity.
This collection capsule features apparel and accessories.